January 17, 2024

“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act.” -Proverbs 3:27

Hockey is an interesting sport. It combines the grace of ice skating, the quick skills needed to handle a stick and puck, and the strength needed to endure a brutal game that often features large athletes slamming into one another for two and a half hours. Hockey is vicious. It is one of the fastest and most fierce competitive sports. That is why I loved when I learned about a hockey team that was sharing kindness with thousands of children.

The Hershey Bears hockey team of Pennsylvania have started a wonderful tradition. The team plays in Hershey, Pennsylvania, a town known for chocolate. The hockey team has become a joyful example of fun and giving. For the past twelve years, the team has hosted the Annual Teddy Bear Toss. When the Hershey Bears score the first goal of the game, the fans begin hurling toys from the stands. It is a chaotic moment that brings joy to everyone in the arena. Fans, staff, announcers, and team members pause the game and collect toys for children in need.

This year the Hershey Bears and their fans set a record for toys collected. Over 75,000 toys were thrown from the stands, onto the ice. When the first goal was scored the Hershey Bears announcer said, “Let the sweet cuddly mayhem commence!” In just a few moments the ice went from empty to full of toys and joy. Over thirty-five local charities will benefit from this one night of giving. In addition to the toys collected, $55,000 dollars was donated to the Children’s Miracle Network.

When you watch the video of this event you see so much joy on the faces of the fans and players. It is proof that when we are intentional about being kind there is joy to be experienced for all. That night, the spectacle of a hockey game was completely overshadowed by the blessing of giving so that others may know joy. Our kindness will bless others when we take time to give so others may find joy.

-Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship

If you would like to see the video of the Teddy Bear Toss, you can go to this link and see the “cuddly mayhem.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WF2VJZyYGgk