January 11, 2024

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” – Galatians 6:10

Georgia Girelli was having a bad day. She was out with a few friends when she realized that she had lost her purse. What a terrible feeling that must have been. Our wallets and purses contain so many necessary items. It is overwhelming to think that you might have to cancel credit cards, call your bank, get a new driver’s license, locate new insurance cards, and so much more. That is what Georgia was facing and she was none too excited about what the future held for her.

Thankfully, Georgia’s doorbell rang. Georgia was not home, but she had a doorbell camera. She answered the door remotely, from her friend’s home. The young man at the door was nice and calm and wanted her to know that he had found her purse. He went out of his way to come by her house because he knew what a pain it would be for her to lose all the contents of her purse. Georgia was thrilled!

Georgia and the young man, a local firefighter who did not want to share his name publicly, had a nice, quick conversation. Georgia offered him a reward, as an expression of her gratitude, for both locating the purse and for going out of his way to deliver it safely. He politely declined the reward and simply asked that she “Just do something nice for the next person.” Georgia was in tears. She was so thankful for the return of her purse and for the kindness she experienced from a stranger.

Kindness is inspirational. This story has been shared around the world. When we take time out of our day to help others, we not only help them rise above their circumstances, but we also encourage them to be kind, to pay it forward. Each day is an opportunity for us the share the love and hope of God. A simple act of kindness today will make a difference in someone’s life.

-Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship