January 11, 2017

Psalm 118:1 – Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good’ his love endures forever.

I never like to think that I take things for granted. In fact, I like to think of myself as a very grateful person. I have so many things to be thankful for.   The problem lies in me expressing my gratitude. I don’t always communicate how grateful I am, especially to those that deserve to hear it the most!  G.B. Stern says that, “Silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone.”  How true that is. If I am not communicating my gratitude to the very people that I am most grateful for, am I really grateful?

Since hearing this phrase, I have made an attempt to make sure that those acts and people that I am grateful for, hear my gratitude. It has made an incredible impact in my relationships. Even when I didn’t feel like I was taking anything for granted, others may have felt that way due to my silence.

This fact has also transformed my relationship with God. Making the above verse a part of my daily life has given new meaning to my relationship with God. Not that admitting that I took his love for granted is easy, it’s not, but I did. He had to love me…right?  Whether he had to or not, that fact remains that he does. For that I am grateful. Where have you been silent with your gratitude?

Rev. Jeremy Sanders, Pastor of Program Ministries