December 20, 2022

At times for my family, Advent has lost its true meaning. When my family hears Advent is beginning, we hear that a busy season is among us. We focus on all the other stuff: classroom parties for our kids, multiple family celebrations, Christmas programs, gift buying for all the people we love in our lives, and so much more. It becomes a scheduling nightmare because we get bogged down with everything else.

But that is not the true meaning of Advent. Advent is not a time to feel so incredibly overwhelmed due to extracurricular activities. Advent is an amazing time of reflection. This is the time to shift our focus to the arrival of Jesus Christ. God gave his only Son and we celebrate his birth.

At our house, we have a “Little People” nativity set for our children. We begin to discuss Jesus’ birth with our daughters using the figurines to help illustrate Jesus’ birth. In the past, our oldest daughter would take it upon herself to narrate and act out the birth of Christ with her younger sister, using the “Little People.” Every time our daughter has acted out the birth of Christ, Jesus is the center and focus of all the figurines. All eyes are on this sweet babe that will grow up to be the Lord of all Lords and not the gifts the wisemen brought, not the attire that Joseph wore, nothing else matters.

We enjoy celebrating with our friends and family, but that should not be our focus during this important season. Do not take the focus away from Jesus during this special time. Remember why we celebrate Christmas.

Jocelyn Morgan, Edmond Campus Director of Children’s Ministry