December 17, 2023

I have a confession to make: I have not once, in all of my Advent Seasons with St. Luke’s, lit a single candle on the Advent wreath. It is not because I don’t love the practice or celebration of Advent, or even that I am forgetful. The truth is that I am currently in the season of my life where I have a wild 2-year-old and a brand new baby who have blessed our family immensely. With that comes my full attention to the point where I am not even sure how we will resurrect our tree this year, much less take a moment to reflect on the birth of our Savior with the intimate lighting of our precious candles.

And yet, in this season of uncertainties, messes, and foggy-headedness, I am reminded that Jesus meets us where we are. The joy of celebrating His birth is something I experience in the music we sing on Sundays and during the Christmas Eve service. It is in the communal meals we share with family members, and the reading of the Christmas story in the book of Matthew and Luke. I also experience the joy through my daughter’s eyes as she discovers Christmas as only a toddler can. Keller loves St. Luke’s and she especially loves to dance to the music.

This has been the most surprising way that my heart is renewed during Advent. Seeing how children discover the wonderment of the season allows my inner child to experience it right along with them. Sometimes God has a way of giving us new eyes and new perspectives to see His glory anew. I am truly looking forward to the ways He will ignite my soul this Advent season, and I pray He ignites you and graces you with new perspective.

Kelsey Paul, Downtown LifeLight Worship Leader, Director of Arts Education