April 18, 2024

“And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” -Matthew 25:40

Recently, a Norman, Oklahoma police officer took time out of his busy day to truly help the helpless. Our daily news is often filled with the worst of crime, war, and politics, but Officer Collins reminded us that there is good news to celebrate, as well. Officer Collins demonstrated that each of us can bring joy to this world with small acts of kindness. When we take time to offer help to those in need, we not only bless those who we help, but we remind others of the joy that comes as God’s people share His love through their actions.

Officer Collins was on patrol, helping to keep the busy city safe. That is when he was alerted to a problem in a storm drain in a local neighborhood. A mother duck was walking her little ducklings across a busy street when the small birds fell into a storm drain. The ducklings were trapped, and the mother duck was helpless. Thankfully, Officer Collins arrived and removed the iron storm drain cover, got on his knees, and liberated each duckling from their captivity. The duck family of four was reunited and continued their journey together.

Small, intentional acts of kindness have the potential to bless others. Officer Collins saved those ducklings. The photos of him, going beyond the call of duty, have been seen all over the world. This moment has brought joy to so many, as they are reminded that each of us have responsibility to help, and by God’s grace, each of us can be kind.

Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship