April 26, 2019

“And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful.”

Some time ago, the story of a flight from Atlanta to New Jersey caught my attention and gave me a reason to smile.

Mohammed Sanu was flying to New Jersey to watch a football game. His flight was a great experience with no problems at all. It was a brief exchange after the flight that made national news.

Sanu is not just a fan of football, he is a professional football player with the Atlanta Falcons. He was traveling to New Jersey to watch the spring game at his alma matter, Rutgers University.

What Mohammed Sanu did not realize was there was a fan sitting just behind him. The young man watched as Sanu studied his play book and treated the people around him with kindness and respect. Without knowing it, Sanu made a big impression on the young fan who was watching throughout the flight.

When the flight was over, and everyone left the plane, the family approached Sanu and gave him a note of gratitude. The handwritten note makes it clear that his actions made a big impression. The family expressed how grateful they were for his positive behavior. Mohammed posted the note on his Twitter page and said, “This definitely put a smile on my face.”

This story reminded me that there is good news in the world. It seems like the sad, negative and gloomy stories dominate news, social media and so often our water cooler conversations. Mohammed Sanu and the family that was seated behind him reminds us that people are kind and that gratitude makes a difference. When this family approached Mohammed Sanu, to tell him how much they appreciated him, it put a smile on his face. I wonder who we may make smile today when we take time to share our gratitude and offer a moment of good news?

Rev. Keith King, Online Campus Pastor