October 12, 2018

“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” –Philippians 2:4

What we do matters. When we show that we care about people and when we go out of our way to bless others we can truly share God’s love.

I was recently sitting at a middle school football game, watching my daughter, Ella Kate, cheer. I was pleasantly surprised when I looked up and saw Ella Kate’s fourth grade teacher walking into the stadium. She sat down next to me and after a few moments I realized that she was there to watch her former students play ball and cheer. I looked down on the track and saw a huge smile on Ella Kate’s face as she realized her teacher was at the game.

As we sat through the game many of her former students approached her with big smiles on their faces. Her presence at the game made them happy. I was reminded that when we go out of the way to care for others we can truly bless them. This teacher’s dedicated work in the classroom helped to educate many students. When she showed up at the game, she demonstrated that her love for her students was much more than a job. Her stunts know she loves them and they can always depend on her to encourage them.

How can you demonstrate God’s love? How can you show someone you care about them? What you do matters.

Rev. Keith King, Online Campus Pastor

A group of cheerleader at the big football game