December 29, 2022

December 29, 2022

“In him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” – John 1:4-5

Preparing for the Christmas season is challenging, to say the least. Busy schedules, long lists of things that need to be accomplished, and getting all the presents needed for family and friends. It is difficult to make it through the season and accomplish all the things we hope to achieve. The slightest complication can make the season all the more difficult.  That is what happened to JC when he was starting his Christmas shopping. While walking the isles at his local Home Depot, JC dropped an envelope filled with over $700 in cash, money he intended to use for his children’s Christmas gifts.

JC left the store completely unaware that he had lost this important envelope. Thankfully, a store employee found the envelope and had the manager put it in the safe. The entire day had passed, and nobody claimed the envelope. That is when Alissa Rocchi, the assistant manager, decided to post on social media. She wanted to see if the community could help locate the owner of this envelope.  It did not take long until a person came into the store to help connect with its rightful owner. The owner of the company that JC worked for saw the post and was able to help connect JC and his lost Christmas money.

The local news interviewed Alissa Rocchi and asked her why they went out of their way to return the cash. She said, “I want to be part of putting more positivity and kindness in the world.” Rocchi went on to say that she was happy that, “his children would have a great Christmas now.” Alissa blessed JC that day. Her kindness helped to take the stress and worry from JC’s life. It was a kind act that far more than just returning $700.00.

Alissa Rocchi and the employees at Home Depot are a reminder to us that kindness and compassion are essential to the life that God’s wants for all God’s children. We will all make mistakes. We will all have days like JC. What makes those days better are when the people around us go out of their way to help. When we see a person in need, we sacrifice a little of our time and effort to create a positive outcome to an otherwise difficult moment. Kindness and compassion will bring light and life to the world around us.

-Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship