July 7, 2016

“Out of the mouth of babes!” I’m sure you have heard this expression before! Children are known for saying the funniest things and being so honest. For me, that is why I love working with children. Their zeal for life, the newness of every experience they have, the joy they find in the smallest things, and how matter of fact they can be is what I love.

There are times when adults can become so overwhelmed with what life is throwing at us we forget to look at life this way. Even as we pray and read into our scriptures, we tend to overanalyze. We allow stress and worry to interfere with our relationship with God, while failing to see that God is in control and will provide. This is why David writes, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want; he makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul.”

Walt Disney is quoted saying, “I know more people who have the Children’s approach to life. You see them at Disneyland every time you go there. They are not afraid to be delighted with simple pleasures, and they have a degree of contentment with what life has brought.” Why don’t we have this approach to life every day?

When I watched St. Luke’s video on the children’s view of Psalms 23; I thought to myself, of course it’s so simple! They were asked, “If God is like a shepherd, what are we?” The answer simple, “tiny little sheep.” God is watching over all his “little sheep.” One of the girls said, “He wants us to be peaceful, he wants us to feel at one with him. When we are peaceful, it’s when He can talk to us freely and we are free to listen.” Again, when talking with children it’s so simple. As adults, especially with Bible verses we have heard so many times, it is easy to forget the simple messages given to us. It is a constant struggle to just sit in his sovereignty and fully hand over everything to God. Sometimes we think we are, but are we really handing them over with one pinky finger on so we can feel a little bit of control?

It’s in these times when we take a different look at a verse we know so well and in these times when I take a minute to look at life through children’s eyes, I can really hear God whisper, “I’ve been here this whole time. You didn’t know it because of your worries and fears. Be still, be peaceful and trust me, I’ve got something good planned for you.”

Meredith Lee, St. Luke’s Children’s Center