June 21, 2021

“Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” – Mark 10:21

We cherish our possessions. We work hard to have the things we have, and we appreciate the belongings our hard work earns. We love those wonderful gifts that others have given to us, as well. All these things hold a significant place in our hearts and minds. There is nothing wrong with possessions, however Jesus was concerned, and is concerned about how his disciples cling to our possessions for a significant reason.

This past weekend we celebrated Father’s Day. Being a father is one of the greatest joys of my life! I have three wonderful daughters who are very special to me. This past weekend, my youngest daughter, Molly Anne, handed me a small rock that is her prayer rock. She wanted me to have this as my Father’s Day present. I said, “Thank you.” I asked her, “Are you sure you want to give me this? You like it so much.” Molly Anne looked at me, and in the sweetest voice, said, “This is all I have to give you.”  I have been carrying this rock around with me since that moment. It reminds me of her sweet spirit and love.

This is the childlike faith that Jesus wishes for his disciples. Having possessions is not a bad thing, but when we cling to our possessions, we fail to experience the depth of love and joy that comes when we let go and give. True joy comes not from the things we collect, but from the blessings that we offer to others.

God demonstrates love for us by giving to us. God gives us grace, mercy, love, joy, and peace. God’s love is so deep for us that He gave us His only Son.  When Jesus taught us, he knew it would be hard for us to release our grip on our possessions, so he encouraged us to let go of our things, travel lighter, so that we might experience the great joy of life and offer great blessings to others along the way.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship