March 22, 2024

Almost every worship service at St. Luke’s includes a sermon as part of the order of worship. The exception to that is the Good Friday service. Of course, a message is delivered, but it is proclaimed through the voiced scripture from the moments leading up to the Crucifixion. It allows me to engage with the worship at a deeper level since my focus doesn’t have to be on the sermon I’m to deliver.

It always has a profound effect on me to hear the Bible story of Jesus’ betrayal, ridicule, and Crucifixion in the familiar voices of our family of faith. The music that evening is always moving and it draws me close to Christ. When the “storm” is represented, I can’t help but see the darkness wrestling with the light with the organ, underscoring the power and emotions in the moment. As each candle’s light is extinguished, there seems to be a growing darkness – yet the Christ candle remains. And as my eyes adjust, I am reminded every single year that the light of Christ is all I need to see me through the darkness. The light of the Christ candle gives way to the light of the Narthex and then carries me to Easter morning.

I encourage you to attend the services of Holy Week. You can experience Palm Sunday, Stations of the Cross, Maundy Thursday, a Prayer Vigil, and Good Friday services. Immerse yourself in the remembrance of Jesus’ last week. Be sure to set aside all the distractions of your life so that you can truly focus on the message of the Crucifixion and Resurrection. Listen for the consistent and constant message of God’s love, for God so loved the world that He revealed grace and mercy through the Crucifixion and eternal life through the Resurrection. We have been made in the image of God to live as God’s children – free from sin and guilt – made for eternal life with Him.

Christ the Lord is Risen!
He is risen, indeed, Alleluia!

Dr. Bob Long, Senior Pastor