February 19, 2021

No end there is! We depart in peace. He loves beyond the uttermost: In every room in our Father’s house. He will be there as Lord andHost. – An Upper Room Did Our Lord Prepare

In Fred Pratt Green’s hymn about the Upper Room he makes a distinct reference to John 14:2 Jesus says, “My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?” This familiar passage is readat many memorial or funeral services. When reading the story about the Upper Room, I also recalled how Jesus asked the disciples inMark 14:12 to “go and prepare” a place for eating the Passover. What really struck me in these passages is that Jesus focused on preparation. What does it mean that Jesus would prepare for a special meal with His disciples, or that God the Father would prepare a place for us (in Heaven)?

Throughout my life, I’ve enjoyed looking forward to special trips or occasions and making preparations for enjoying those experiences. The anticipation of a vacation, the preparation of a special meal, and that work that goes into making an event special for the participants is actually a significant part of the whole experience. When I think about God making preparations for us, it tells me that our presence and involvement is important to our Creator. It causes me to think that God’s care for the details, whether in heaven or on earth, is intended to help us know that we matter to God. As I think about the ways that God is preparing a place for me personally at the table or in heaven, it gives me hope in the midst of discouraging times.

I also believe this concept of preparing is important for us to consider in our relationships. How are we helping God by preparing for our friends, family or acquaintances to know God better? What practical steps are we taking to help others grow in their faith? Maybe a kind word, an encouraging note, a bit of advice or counsel, or even a simple prayer will help someone else to grow closer to God. When we are intentional about preparing for others to experience God, we can be part of God’s work in the world today!

Rev. Phil Greenwald, Executive Pastor of Administration