April 13, 2021

When I taught school, I used music to help my students remember things like “Days of the Week” sung to the tune of “Clementine”, and Months of the Year sung to the familiar tune, “Michael Finnegin”.  The song, “50 Nifty United States”, written by Ray Charles, helped kids learn all 50 states in alphabetical order.  My students also learned math facts through this technique, called CHUNKING.  When we put words and phrases with a familiar tune, it creates the framework for us to have easier recall.  Think about “The ABC Song”; children through the ages have learned the alphabet by singing this familiar Mozart melody.

Children aren’t the only ones who are impacted by music.  Do you ever get a song in your head that plays over and over?  Maybe it’s a hymn we sang at church on Sunday, or something you downloaded on one of your devices, or maybe it’s the theme song from your favorite TV show.  For many years when this happened, I regarded this as an irritation, but recently I’ve started thinking of it in another way; what is God trying to tell me through this repeated song?

Here are just a few examples of how God has spoken to me through hymns:

When I needed to feel less afraid – A Mighty Fortress

When I needed help with a decision – Be Thou My Vision

When I felt unworthy – Amazing Grace

When I doubted – Blessed Assurance

When I felt burdened – It Is Well

When I needed to worship – How Great Thou Art

We sing many songs each week during Chapel with our Child Development Center children, but one that is a favorite is called, “He Knows My Name.”  Our children’s faces are nearly angelic as they embrace these words:  I have a maker.  He formed my heart.  Before even time began, my life was in His hands.  He knows my name, He knows my every thought.  He sees each tear that falls, and hears me when I call.

This week, if a song starts running through your head, ask yourself, “Is God speaking to me?”  If so, what’s His message?  If you’re listening to music that doesn’t line up with His Word, try adding some hymns to your Playlist.  Listen for the one that keeps going through your head, long after the device is turned off.  What is God saying to you?  How will you respond?

You have a maker.  He formed YOUR heart.  Before even time began, your life was in His hands.  He knows YOUR name.  He knows YOUR every thought.  He sees each tear that falls and hears YOU when YOU call.

– Susan Easttom, Director of Family Ministry