December 15, 2022

When delivering a Meals on Wheels meal to one of our clients recently, I was greeted by a very gentle message from the recipient – she said, “God bless you” as I handed over the meal. I paused, and smiled and responded with emphasis, “No, God bless you.” Then she stopped and said, “Well, God can bless us both!” We had a chuckle, and both nodded in agreement, and I went on my merry way to the next delivery.

Throughout that day and many times since, I have noticed that many clients greet us or say thank you with the simple words, “God bless you” or “Bless you.” Sometimes, I am sure it may just be an easy response – but I like to believe that what they really mean is they feel blessed by the delivery of a meal, and in turn, hope we are blessed as well.

Perhaps that is the best part of this story really; whether or not anyone kindly speaks a blessing to us, we are blessed. Every single week we have more than 75 volunteers helping to prepare food, deliver meals, bag produce, hand out bags and boxes of food, and breathe words of kindness into our community. Those amazing volunteers show up every week, in all sorts of weather, even when they personally have limited time or even limited resources, just to help where they can.

When I work alongside these volunteers, I am always humbled in their presence because they rarely look for recognition, and always seem to respond to my requests for help with a yes. We truly are blessed to have so many who long to give of themselves to help others.

My prayer for the helpers and for every person we serve during this Advent season and all year long is a verse in Luke.

Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap.

For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you. – Luke 6:38  “God bless us, Every One!”

Lori Hall, Executive Director of Missions