December 28, 2022

December 28, 2022

Kindness is all around us. We just need to look around and we will see individuals extending love and kindness to the people they encounter. Recently, Tom Agnes witnessed one of his employees perform a wonderful act of kindness. Tom first realized that something had happened when he noticed that his employee, Ta Leia “Ace” Thomas was working without shoes. Tom was curious why Ace was working in the store with only her socks on her feet. Tom asked her what was going on and she simply replied, I gave them away to a guy who needed them.

Tom accessed the security footage of the store and found a wonderful scene. Ace witnessed a homeless person trying to tie cardboard to his feet. Filled with compassion, Ace untied her retro Purple Nike Jordans, and gave them to them man. Tom was shocked to watch this scene. He asked Ace, “Why would you do that?” Ace said, “It was an easy decision.” It was a powerful demonstration of how love can overcome so many things.

This moment of compassion, inspired Tom to give. First, he immediately gave Ace the money she would need to replace her shoes. Tom released the video to the local news and told the story to inspire others, as well.

Moments like Ace created in the door of her store are inspiring and uplifting. They inspire us to be better and act compassionately to the people around us. Look around for kindness. It happens all the time. Take a moment today to do an intentional act of kindness. You will bless someone’s life. You may encourage others to share the same love. With enough acts of love, we will change the world.

-Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship