August 24, 2018

How can a young man keep his way pure?
By guarding it according to thy word.
With my whole heart I seek thee;
let me not wander from thy commandments!
I have laid up thy word in my heart,
that I might not sin against thee.
Blessed be thou, O Lord;
teach me thy statutes! –Psalm 119: 9-12

Bible study has always been a significant part of my faith journey. Since I was in 8th grade I have enjoyed being part of a Bible study. I find that reading the scriptures strengthens my faith and deepens my knowledge about God’s world in which we live. I enjoy meeting with others, being strengthened by their faith, and learning from their experiences and knowledge as we all encounter God’s word together

I am about to begin participating in another year of Disciple Bible Study. Disciple Bible Study is a 24 to 32-week class that digs deep into the Biblical story and allows each participant to encounter God through daily study and weekly class discussion. I look forward to being part of a Disciple class each year. During the opening class I ask each of the participants why they are taking Disciple Bible Study. When it was my turn to answer the class I said the same thing I do each year. I told them, “I take Disciple Bible Study because I need to be part of an active study…for me.” Although I am the ‘leader’ of the class, I am part of the study because I know that Bible study helps me draw closer to God and allows me to grow in my faith.

So many good things happen when we study the Bible together. There is a mutual edification that takes place as each member encourages the other. The shared accountability and discipline work to help develop the habit of study in each person. As groups study together, I have found they learn to pray for each other and care for each other. I have found that being part of a group Bible study is a wonderful way to truly seek God, “With my whole heart,” just as the psalmist wrote so long ago. I want to encourage you to join a Bible study as you continue to seek God and grow in your faith. I believe you will find, as I have found, that when we study together our heart truly opens to understand better God’s word for us today.

Rev. Keith King, Online Campus Pastor