April 29, 2019

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” -1 Peter 4:10

This past weekend, Oklahoma City once again hosted the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon – The Run to Remember. Over 25,000 runners participated in the race. They were supported by thousands of people from all over our community as they ran across the metro. It was truly a wonderful site and something wonderful for our city and state.

Unfortunately, not everyone in our community has the ability to enjoy running in the same way that the 25,000 runners did this past week. Because of significant health concerns or, birth defects, participating in a run like the OKC Memorial is not part of some individual’s lives.

However, their disability does not have to keep them from being part of the day, thanks to a wonderful group of people who run with a group known as Ainsley’s Angels.

I first learned about Ainsley’s Angels from my wife’s cousin, Geoff. Geoff has a tremendous love for running. He is always running in different events. It is great to see the joy he receives from running. Geoff often shares his love of running with those who cannot run.

Geoff, through Ainsley’s Angels, lends his legs to people who have severe handicaps and are unable to run or walk. Geoff, and many other great volunteers, will enter a race and push those who cannot run. Because Ainsley’s Angels volunteers are willing to share their love of running and the thrill of a race day, they created an environment that brings great joy to the lives of children and adults who would be otherwise excluded.

As the St. Luke’s volunteers spent the day cheering on and handing out water to the runners of the half and full marathon, we saw several Ainsley’s Angels running and pushing their race partners. It was a beautiful site to see these people sharing in the joy of race day.

When I see the blessing that comes as these angels share their gifts it reminds me of the blessing we can all be when we share our time and talents with others. What gifts do you have to offer that will bring joy to another’s life? How can you give of your time and abilities to take a person from the sidelines and put them in the game? The runners of Ainsley’s Angels took an everyday passion and truly opened the race to all people.

Rev. Keith King, Online Campus Pastor