April 1, 2022

My mother passed away when I was 15. By that point, all of my grandparents had gone to Heaven, along with my brother, Brian. Because my father was in ICU, along with us having been estranged since I was born, there was no other option but foster care. To be blunt, it was horrifying. I will save the gory details, but you can imagine I struggled with issues such as trust and abandonment for years.

I met my husband in high school at the height of this trauma and, to be honest, barely noticed him. He claims it was love at first sight, but that feels a little one- sided. The first day at Oklahoma City University, I’m sitting with my new friends at Alvin’s, the campus diner, and he walked in, bronzed from summer and already I could tell I was in trouble. It would take two years before we would go on our first date, and five years after that he would ask me to be his wife, in the same location as that first day at OCU.

No one reminds me of Jesus more than my husband, Hunter. He’s kind, generous, loving, honest, bold, faithful, and above all, he’s my home. He gave me a home after nearly a dozen years without one to speak of. This past September, we welcomed our daughter, Keller Grace, and I couldn’t stop the tears of gratitude that he chose me, and continues to choose me daily to build this family and beautiful life together.

He exemplifies grace, mercy, and harmony – all things that I know the Lord to be. His humility is true, and he’s a constant student of life. Above all, he is my family, the one God gifted me with. Hunter’s commitment to me is a daily reminder of God’s commitment to us.  God will never leave us, nor forsake us. He loves us because that’s who He is. He sacrificed greatly so that we may be forgiven. His love knows no bounds.

I’m grateful to know a love like that through the love my husband gives me daily.  In spite of so much adversity, I now surely am blessed.

Kelsey Paul, Downtown Campus LifeLight Worship Leader