Enough for Everyone

One of my all time favorite stories from the Bible is from John 6:2-14. it is the only miracle that Jesus performs that is told in all four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John! Here are three things to share about this story.


How to avoid becoming cynical

We live in a time where it seems, we constantly hear about incredible terrorist acts or mass shootings. We live in a time where there is so much meanness, where we are divided, where we are extremes on the right and the left. We live in a time where it sure is easy to become cynical, to become afraid, to become harsh ourselves to try to make it in this kind of a world. There are three things that I believe we can do to rise up above the time in which we live and make a difference!


Finding a Way Forward

When life isn’t going the way you planned, how do you deal with it? I want to share three things in the blog this week, for anyone who might be feeling this way. It’s impossible to talk about things not going your way, without mentioning the children of Israel and the 40 years they wandered in the wilderness, searching for the Promised Land!


Picking up the Pieces: The Day After April 19, 1995

I loved seeing all of the “We Remember” posts, yesterday on the 22nd anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing. I remember the day after the tragedy hit to be a time to begin picking up the pieces and I will forever be so proud of the role our church played in these efforts.


Easter Spirit

God has so many surprises in store for us. In the darkest of nights, a single ray of light often shines for us, illuminating a […]


What Would Jesus Drive?

Do you remember in the late 90s, the popularity of the phrase “What Would Jesus Do?” There were wrist bands and books and even a cookbook claiming if you would eat as Jesus ate then you would lose weight and be healthy. There was a national campaign against SUVs saying Jesus would never drive a “gas-guzzling SUV.” This remains relevant today, as Christians try to understand what side of the issues Jesus would lean toward. What would Jesus do? What would He eat? What would He drive?


Make Your Life Count

Last week, one of St. Luke’s oldest Sunday School classes had its very last gathering. The “Wedding Ring Class” was made up of incredible leaders […]


Giving up Fear- part 2

We often do not want to confront the truth because we are afraid of what it might be and that we cannot handle it. This is exactly what happened to the disciples.


Giving up Fear for Lent

Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten Season. Also called, Lent, it is the 40 days preceding Easter, not including Sundays. The purpose of Lent is a time of self-reflection, to examine our lives, to ask, what is separating us from God. What are the things that are holding us back from being free to live as joyful, resurrected Christians?
