Mother’s Day

This Sunday is Mother’s Day and it’s a time to specifically focus on our moms and all the important women in our lives who have helped to shape us and make us better people. Moms certainly deserve more than one day out of the year to be celebrated! I know I don’t tell my mom enough how much she means to me, and I’m sure I don’t fully appreciate all that she has done for me in my life. This weekend, take time to tell the important women in your life how much they mean to you. They are certainly a gift from God. Happy Mother’s Day mom!


Driver’s License

My 16 year-old son just received his drivers license! It is funny that we are doing the sermon series, “Racing to the Flag” at St. Luke’s and my own household has revolved around driving (and getting to drive) lately. Brooks’ license came after training at a driving academy, obtaining a temporary permit, hours of practice, and then….waiting. Six months of waiting to be exact, though the last two weeks have been the longest!


Simple Gratitude

This past week I received two different “thank you” gifts from two of our classes in our childcare center at St. Luke’s Edmond. Sometimes it’s the simple ways that kids let you know they’re grateful that can do the most to brighten your day. If you have kids or grandkids take them this weekend to do something simple to express gratitude to someone else. I guarantee it will brighten their day, it will be a blessing to you, and it will teach a valuable lesson to your child!


Curbside Chronicle

Recently I was stopped at a traffic light for a few moments and happened to see a person on the side of the road selling magazines. They were offering “The Curbside Chronicle” for a suggested donation of $2. “The Curbside Chronicle” works to help homeless individuals find a source of employment. People who sell the magazines go through an application and then a training process. They receive their first 15 magazines free to sell and then they purchase copies for $.75/copy to sell for suggested donation of $2. They keep 100% of their sales.


Father Foshee

This morning I attended our “Under Construction Men’s Community Group” meeting. One of the group members had arranged for a Catholic priest to come and talk with us about Catholicism and we had opportunities to ask questions about some of the things we didn’t understand about the Catholic faith, or maybe misconceptions we held. It was a fascinating discussion, and I’m grateful to Father Aaron Foshee for coming to talk to us.


Friendly Smile

Up until this spring there had been a certain elderly gentleman that walked regularly in our neighborhood. He appeared to me to be of Asian descent and perhaps not over 5’6” in height. But there were really only two reasons that he stood out to me. First, he had a very distinctive gait pattern. He walked with a fairly brisk pace and his arm would swing back in an arc all the way behind his back as he walked along. It may have been part of his daily exercise to get the most out of his walk, but it was memorable. But the biggest thing I remember about him was his smile. Interestingly enough, it wasn’t a huge smile. It just always struck me as kind and genuine. I would drive by in my car, he would wave and flash a small smile, and I truly felt blessed by him.


Holy Week

This is Holy Week – one of the most special opportunities for spiritual reflection during the year. It began on Palm Sunday which commemorates the procession of Jesus into Jerusalem amid cheers and cries of, “Hosanna!”. In just two days we will have Good Friday, which commemorates Jesus being betrayed and taken before the crowd amid ridicule and cries of, “Crucify Him!”
