Wednesdays with Wendy


One morning recently I had a disagreement with my son. It was just a minor misunderstanding – the kind of thing that blows over easily. But as I was getting ready to leave the house a thought crossed my mind that I was leaving with things a bit unsettled. I thought how terrible it would be if I was involved in some car wreck and died (yes – I probably watch too many dramatic shows!). But I wasn’t sad over the thought of losing my life, I was sad over the thought of my son wrestling over our last encounter. I knew that he would feel regret and the thought of him feeling that way made me sad. Again, we didn’t even have a real argument or anything but I would never want him to think that he would need to feel guilty. Keep in mind that I had my own emotions of being a little miffed but more important to me was making sure that I didn’t leave my son in a bad way or in a situation where he struggled with guilt.



This year’s theme at St. Luke’s is “Telling the Story”. One of the reasons I love this theme is because stories were the method that Jesus often used to teach people about God. It’s what we often refer to as a “parable”. A parable is simply a story that is told in order to teach a lesson. Jesus told parables about sheep, coins, sons, banquets, Samaritans, and all kinds of other things. They were simply stories that he made up in order to reveal something about God’s Kingdom to us so we can understand it a little better. God’s Kingdom is too big for us to be able to grasp on our own, but by putting it in more modern imagery, Jesus was able to teach people about that Kingdom.


Strengthening Faith at Home

One hour a week. That’s how much time many of today’s church-going families spend on growing their faith. Many families spend that hour in church on Sunday.

“Few church-going families have faith conversations or pray at home.” explained Susan Easttom, St. Luke’s Director of Family Ministries. “At St. Luke’s, we are committed to assisting and equipping you to become intentional about building a God-honoring home, one step at a time. You can do it – we can help!”

Whether you’re part of a large family or you live alone, there are many ways to build your faith between Sundays.


The Holidays are Over

The holidays are over, Christmas decorations are coming down, the New Year has begun, the kids are back in school, and most people have gone back to work. It always makes me a little sad when I begin to realize that the festivities are coming to an end for the year and the beautiful decorations are being put away until next Christmas. Life begins to go back to normal for many of us, and if we are not careful, our lives can seem unchanged.


Wednesdays with Wendy


This Sunday is Epiphany Sunday. It is one of the oldest of holidays that we celebrate in the Church. Epiphany is from a Greek word that means “manifestation”. It means that something is revealed or made known. Perhaps you have heard someone say, “I’ve had an epiphany!” (although I don’t know a lot of people who have the word “epiphany” as part of their daily vocabulary!) The exclamation is intended to mean that an idea, thought, or explanation has come to mind. Something has been made known to them.


Christmas Caroling

Yesterday morning I was sitting in my office working on my sermon for Christmas Eve when I got an unexpected knock on my door from the cutest Christmas carolers I’ve ever seen! Some of the kids from our childcare center came to sing “Jingle Bells” to me. I think that might have been some of the best inspiration I could have received in that moment to help me prepare for Christmas, and it definitely put a smile on my face.


Wednesdays with Wendy

Christmas Morning Tradition

Just five days! Our Christmas morning tradition is – orange rolls. It is so much a part of our holiday, that we never eat orange rolls at any other time during the year. It is a tradition we’ve held since our daughter Hannah was very young. It started because I wanted to have the most time to focus with my family. I would buy the orange rolls in a can so that it would be quick and easy. As the years progressed and Hannah & Brooks got older, they started asking for homemade orange rolls. Several years ago I found a great recipe and started making the rolls from scratch. Now that the kids are older, Christmas morning isn’t so much about the fun of playing with new toys (which was a lot of fun for all of us!) but has become more about enjoying the morning together.



It’s Black Friday so that means it’s time for the Christmas season, right?! Well, not exactly. At least not in the Church calendar. Historically, in the Church liturgical calendar, this Sunday begins the season of Advent. Advent is the four Sundays leading up to Christmas. Each Sunday is marked by the themes of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.


OCC Banquet

Last Thursday evening I had an opportunity to attend an awards banquet for the Oklahoma Conference of Churches. I was there in support of our Senior Pastor, Dr. Long, who was receiving the Distinguished Ecumenist Award for his ecumenical work across all denominations and faith traditions. It was a great time to celebrate the work that the Oklahoma Conference of Churches does to bring groups together and promote a message of love and kindness.
