May 28, 2017

On beautiful Memorial Sunday President Phil Brougher presided over 24.  We bid a sad goodbye, good luck and “may God always favor you” to Barbara Uptegraft as she moves to Lucas, Texas (in Dallas metro) to live near her daughter, Debbie, and her husband.

PRAYER REQUESTS: Jeanette Willet’s doctors finally detected a probable cause for her digestive difficulties, further tests await her.  At this time, please do not visit or call her hospital room.  Mail cards to the home.  Pray for Jeanette, John and their son Brett, in Tulsa, who has cancer.  Also, pray for Shirley Kensell’s daughter and for Jim Mosley’s brother.

Karen Johnston announced an estate sale in her lovely historic home in Heritage Hills on June 3 and 4.

We concluded study of “Glory Days” by Max Lucado.  He stated, “Promised Land people consciously choose to believe God who always keeps his word!”  God promised land to Abraham’s descendants (six hundred years before Joshua led the Israelites across the Jordan River into Canaan.) Genesis 1:7.

Lucado’s summation for each of us: “My past is past. My future is bright. God’s promises are true and His Word is sure. God loves me. With God as my helper, I will be all He that wants me to be, do all He wants me to do. And receive all He wants me to receive. These days are our Glory Days!”

We begin lessons from Adult Bible Studies, “God’s Urgent Call”  this next Sunday. Jeanne Morgan will lead discussion for June 4 lesson.

Written by: Dixie Galloway