May 28, 2017

We were happy to have Luther Trent leading our class again this morning. He began with the statement that Peter had to learn to put aside his Jewish prejudices, namely that God cared for all people. Luther talked about Elijah and the Gentile woman and Elisah healing Naaman (a commander in the Syrian Army).

The story of Jonah is a perfect example of God’s love, getting Jonah to pursue the right action with the right attitude and that God loves non-Jews and their enemies. Why was the book of Jonah written? After the Babylonian exile, the Jewish people struggled with their identity as God’s chosen people and that led to the thought that they should separate themselves from other nations. Jonah’s story has the message that God had mercy on people trying to change and His love for all.

Luther closed our class with prayer. We want to thank Luther for being with us this month and providing such fun and interesting studies.

Written by:  Sharon Selby