May 21, 2017

On beautiful Graduation and Communion Sunday, President Phil Brougher greeted 33.

Member news:  Neil Corneil reported that Jean’s foot surgery went well.  Karen Johnston announced that  she is moving this week into her new home located just west of Penn Square.  Janice Low and her sister, Sharon, vacationed in Playa del Carmen, a coastal resort in Mexico on the Caribbean.

SHARING GRANDPARENTS’ PRIDE: Phil and Judy Brougher celebrated another graduation.  Their grandson, Caleb, completed Episcopalian Seminary study in Austin, Texas.  Caleb was assigned a church  in Champagne, Illinois.

Medical Updates/Prayer requests: Jeanette Willet cancelled a trip to Michigan, she returned to Baptist Hospital for additional testing for her digestive problem.  Earlier this year she was released after many days of testing and trials without a specific diagnosis!  Also, their son, Brett, in Tulsa, is dealing with cancer.  Please pray for Jeanette, John and Brett.

Ron Howell led discussion on Max Lucado’s book/video, Glory Days.  Lucado stated that God listened to a prayer AND obeyed a request only once!  Joshua requested that the sun and moon stand still for a whole day in order for Joshua’s army to conquer its enemies! (concluding “The Lord fought on Israel’s side.”)  Joshua 10:12-14.

Lucado further stated that we should pray FIRST before an event or before making a decision, rather than praying AFTER the act is completed.  He also challenged us to pray boldly and audaciously! God gives us directions as we need them. Lucado advises us, “Consult God for everything!”  The four types of  prayer are: in supplication; in praise and gratitude; in confession and in intercession(praying  for others).

Written by: Dixie Galloway