Luther Trent led our class this morning continuing our study of Galatians. Luther talked about how the Apostles learned from Jesus but Paul was from a different area and met Jesus on the road to Damascus. After that Paul went to Arabia for 3 years and then preached for 14 years before going to Jerusalem. It was decided Paul would preach to the Gentiles and the Apostles would preach to the Jews.
Our faith witnesses to itself in that it was developed in two places but it’s the same Gospel. Writing in anger to the Galatians, Paul talked about their trading the freedom of Jesus for the burden of Jewish law. If salvation comes from the law, why did Jesus go to the cross? By their practices, the Galatians were assuming the law was more important than God’s promise and they were in danger of losing their salvation by just following Jewish law as it was impossible to keep the whole law. Paul thought it was important to keep the “good person” aspects of the law but not all of the ritual. Paul preached that circumcision is only a ritual and eternal life does not depend on it. Although he was angry with the church, he still closes his letter as brothers and sisters in Christ.
Luther closed our time with prayer. Great class!
Written by: Sharon Selby