On a glorious Mothers Day Sunday, President Phil Brougher presided over 36. We warmly welcomed the return of Lee and Carolee Poulsen. Peggy Madden reported that Patsy Wright had a double mastectomy earlier this year. She and Henry will soon resume living in their motor home to visit the beautiful sites in our U.S.A.
Returning travelers: Janice Low first flew to visit her daughter, Valarie and two grandsons in Denver; she then flew on to Atlanta to visit her son, Brett and two other grandsons. Frances Norman flew to Knoxville, Tennessee to visit her sister-in-law (Charlie’s only living sister).
Twenty-two Upper Room ladies ate at a Rib Crib. They then drove to Carolyn Rogers’ lovely home to visit and enjoy Carolyn’s great dessert.
Jeanne Morgan led discussion from the book/video, “Glory Days” by Max Lucado. Joshua heard a quiet voice and truly believed God’s promise of success in conquering the fierce enemy barricaded behind the walls of Jericho. Joshua had just experienced God’s miraculous intervention in allowing the 12 tribes to cross the DRY riverbed of the Jordon River during a time of high, raging floods! Lucado described the outer walls of Jericho as being seven feet wide and sixteen feet high, topped by a second wall eight feet tall! Steep hills protected the other sides. The Hebrews never dislodged a stone. God was responsible for destruction of the walls. The Ark of the Covenant was carried around the Jericho walls which ‘just wasted away.”
The author compared our fears and the uncertainty of daily living as being ‘imprisoned within the walls of Jericho.’ He declared the past is past. Live for today. It is not God’s will that we live a defeated and dejected life. These are our Glory Days.
Written by: Dixie Galloway