May 14, 2017

Our class is feeling blessed with the energetic leadership of Jason, and those who have volunteered to present lessons. Brian recently lead us in a look at Dietrich Bonhoeffer. German theologian and the author of The Cost of Discipleship, Bonhoeffer wrote about “cheap grace” as the grace we bestow on ourselves rather than costly grace which must  be sought again and again. It is costly because it costs one their life. He wrote that  the cost is to put Jesus Christ above everything else. Nearly seven decades since his execution at the hands of the Nazis, Bonhoeffer’s influence lives on through his devotional writings.
Carolyn has lead us during the last two weeks, exploring mothers of the Bible. Beginning with Eve and culminating with Mary, the mother of Jesus.  Thanks to Carolyn, Brian, and all those who have volunteered to lead us in upcoming classes.
Written by: Sandra Hall