May 7, 2017

On Sunday, our teacher Dr.David Severe outlined recent events in the United Methodist Church regarding the election of an openly gay bishop in the church’s Western Jurisdiction.

The issue of gay clergy was first raised in 1972, when language was added to the UMC Social Principles. The latter are part of UMC Discipline, but are not church law. The addition states that the church does not condone homosexuality, but gay individuals are welcome in the church. It does not extend to ordination of gay clergy.

The issue of the ordination and consecration of gay clergy is opposed by some conservative UMC individuals and groups. Homosexuality is a key issue among African congregations and the UMC movement, Good News.

Most recently, the ordination of Karen Oliveto was challenged by a South Central Conference delegate, who requested a Judicial Council ruling as to whether being in a same-sex marriage is a chargeable offense, which would nullify the ordination of such an individual.

The council said it would be improper for a gay person to be elected a bishop, but declined to remove Oliveto. The issue was remanded to the Western Jurisdiction, which left the question up to its Judicial College, where it still resides.

Last year the UMC appointed the Commission on a Way Forward to study and work toward possible resolution of this sensitive issue.

Written by: Marie Price