April 16, 2017

On an overcast, damp Easter morning, President Phil Brougher presided over 28. Many members were choir members in both sanctuary services or were traveling.

Member news: Duncan’s son, Keith, had successful heart by-pass surgery. Pat is once again Keith’s caregiver as he fully recovers. Ed and Doreen Doney have been seen in attendance at several sanctuary services.

Ron Howell led the final discussion from the video, “Final Words From the Cross.” Jesus’ seven utterances while on the cross appear in all four Gospels; three in Luke, three in John and one each in Matthew and Mark. Mary, Jesus’ mother, appears at His cross only in the version written in John’s Gospel.

Witnesses to see and talk to Jesus after His crucifixion are described in all four Gospels. Jesus was seen many times in the days and weeks that followed. He appeared to Mary Magdalene on the first morning. Luke and John described how Jesus appeared to enter a locked room in Jerusalem to talk to some of His disciples. The author stated that our attendance at Christian worship services at Easter allow us to experience Jesus’ resurrection. His grace prevails over sin – giving us peace.

Phil announced that our class will start earlier, beginning April 23rd, as we begin a new video study, “Glory Days” by Max Lucado. Some members already have his book.

Written by: Dixie Galloway