April 2, 2017

On a dense foggy Sunday morning Judy Brougher substituted as President for her ailing husband, Phil. Judy presided over 32. Anniversaries celebrated this week: Lee and Carolee Poulsen, their 67th; Cleo and Vi Roberts, their 64th; Ed and Doreen Doney, their 53rd.

SHARING GRANDPARENTS’ PRIDE – Faye Ethridge traveled to Orange, California, to attend the vocal concert of her granddaughter, Hannah, prior to her graduation from Chapman University. Hannah’s degree is in Music Therapy (which includes the study of opera).

Dixie Galloway thanked the class for its love and prayers. Tom has finally returned to St. Ann’s Home and Dixie’s health has significantly improved. More prayers are requested for Pat Duncan’s son, Keith, who is facing delicate surgery. Margaret Howell, Marolyn Sauls and Carolee Poulsen still need prayers for health issues. John and Jeanette Willet, as well as their son, Brett, all have health problems. Prior to Jeanette’s hospitalization, she and John attended a Town Hall board of directors’ dinner at Quail Creek Country Club. Jeanette’s picture appeared in Sunday Life section of the Oklahoman.

Jeanne Morgan led discussion from the video, “Final Words from the Cross,” narrated by Rev. Adam Hamilton. Matthew and Mark described Jesus refusing a drink of ‘bitter or drugged wine’. Luke wrote of the offer of wine by the Roman solders but not Jesus’ response. However, John described Jesus saying, ”I thirst,” and then wrote that Jesus drank (or tasted) the bitter wine just before his death!

Jeanne stated the wine offered to Jesus was watered down with the alcohol missing. Jesus preferred to suffer fully all that God had ordered. He declined an easy and painless death. Jesus had offered ‘living water’ several times to His believers. This drink was in great contrast to the wine offered by the Roman solders. Jeanne also noted that Jesus was crucified during the time of the Jewish Passover observations. John wrote about the sign which was ordered by Pilate to be hung upon Jesus’ cross. This sign read “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.”

Written by: Dixie Galloway