March 19, 2017

Brian continued leading us in the study of the Gospel according to John. Last week we considered that the purpose of this Gospel is a persuasive argument for the deity of Jesus. Beginning with the words,” In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

John records the statements and miracles of Jesus that can only be attributed to God. This Sunday, we looked at the seven “I Am” statements of Jesus. Each of these statements begin with the words,” I Am” recalling God’s revelation of His name”I Am,”  to Moses.  Jesus called himself the bread of life, the light of the world, the door for the sheep, the true vine, the way the truth and the life, the good Shepard, and the resurrection and the life.

We discussed the first two in depth, the bread of life and the light of the world. Going back to Exodus, God provided for His people as they wandered in the wilderness, with the gift of manna This was memorialized in the Seder meal that the Jewish people continued. In the time of Jesus’ life on Earth, bread was a part of offerings to God, placed on the altar as well. Bread is life and the breaking of bread was done with companions. The significance of bread was greatly understood by the people of that time, as was the light of the world.  In present time with electricity and light pollution surrounding most areas of the world, one must use their imagination to envision the deep darkness of a moonless night in the time of Jesus ‘I Am” statement. It would have been difficult and dangerous to try to navigate through this darkness, even at the risk of death on the rough and rocky terrain.

John was wanting people to understand, not just Jesus’ actual words, but his meaning to the world. The metaphors of bread and light show what Jesus does in our lives; that he protects us and gives us life. I think we went away with a more profound understanding of the deep meaning of the bread and the light of the world.

Written by: Sandra Hall