February 26, 2017

Welcome to new members, Lisa Tuttle, and Bryan and Norma Quinn. We are very glad to have these new members join our class.

Bryan continued to lead us in a study of the book,” The Difficult Words of Jesus,” looking at Mark 3:28-30. In this scripture, Jesus speaks of the unforgivable sin, blasphemes against the Holy Spirit.

The NKJV Study Bible explains blasphemes against the Holy Spirit as a continued state of opposition entered into willfully, in a defiant behavior. Bryan referred to this as an envious nature against God. Not only wanting the power of God, but to be greater than God. In his book, Talbot says that envy steals and will even take away salvation.

The first story in the Bible that deals with envy against God, actually occurs with Adam and Eve, who were told that they could be like God. The story of Cain and Abel demonstrates how the jealousy of Cain towards his brother grew and ended in his sinful act of murder.

Envy is not a rare sin. We probably have experienced it to a degree in our own lives. Talbot proposes a way to fight against this demise. He states that celebrations restore what envy takes away. To fight against envy, celebrate the connections and gifts in our own lives. It becomes difficult for envy to fester if one lives in gratitude.

Written by: Sandra Hall