March 5, 2017

On another drizzly Sunday (Communion Day) President Joe Wine addressed 37 attendance. Joe’s guest was his daughter, Kim, from Atlanta. Kim spent a week here with her father and visiting college friends.

Sadly, Upper Room lost another member, Wendell Kensell, on February 27. His service will be Saturday, March 11 in Watchorn Chapel. A lunch for the family following the service will be prepared by Karen and Ed Matheke, Frances Norman and Donna Smith.

Medical updates: Pat Duncan’s son, Keith, was released from the hospital to his home. Home Health Care will make frequent visits in his continuing recovery. Tom Galloway is grateful to be released from isolation (after five weeks) into the ‘real world’ of St. Ann’s Home. Again, prayers are welcome.

Jeanne Morgan led discussion from the final video lesson, “The Me I Want To Be.” She asked, if possible, how willing would we be to live without any tragedies and adversities. She stated that learning to survive tragic events gives us REAL strengths for living. It is better to have a cause worth living and dying for. Life’s challenges allow us to grow and learn to solve problems. We grow as humans. Remember the cross was not empty.

John Ortberg closed by saying that love is something we do – not something we feel. Agape love (Christian love) delights in service to others. Joy is richly experienced in the soul when we help others. A full, richer life is found in positive connections to others. We all need a cheering section and prayers by others.

Jeanne Morgan assisted in both first and third Communion services. We begin study next Sunday from another video, “Final Words From the Cross” by Adam Hamilton.

Written by: Dixie Galloway