February 26, 2017

On an overcast Sunday President Joe Wine presided over 33. Marolyn Sauls again brought Doug to class as both improve.

For the ninth continuous year Faye Ethridge and Ginny Morris are preparing a great lunch for Upper Room Ladies Lunch Out! Food will be served on beautiful china and crystal ware in Faye’s lovely home. Vi Roberts will assist in setup and afterwards. The date – Monday, March 6, beginning at 11:30 am.

Upper Room Chili Supper date is changed to Saturday, March 18, at 5:30 pm in Fellowship Hall.

Medical updates – Tom Galloway has returned to St. Ann’s Home (still in isolation care). Pat Duncan’s son, Keith, remains hospitalized as his conditions are being considered. Correction: Pat, Bill Morris’s sister, is still living in the Morris household. Eventually, an assisted living space will be located for Pat. Prayers for the ailing family members and their caregivers are welcome.

Ron Howell led discussion from Rev. John Ortberg’s DVD, “The Me I Want To Be.” This session concerned deepening personal concerned deepening personal relationships toward a ‘better me.’ Ortberg believes that people find joy in their souls when dealing with others. He further states that people should not be isolated and truly alone. They are more likely to suffer depression, sleeping and eating disorders.

He quoted Galatians 5:13 – “Let love make you serve one another. For the Law is summed up in one commandment: Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” Every moment offers us an opportunity to make some expression of love. Not only do people need a cheering section – we need the prayers of others. Ortberg concluded, “When you were born God gave you a boat for your adventure of life. Grace is winning the prize of life without ever having to try.”

Written by: Dixie Galloway