February 26, 2017

Greetings from the Unity SS class. We welcomed back some of our members and missed some who were ill. Susan opened class with scripture and a prayer. We lifted up in prayer: Paula Rawston, Beverly Supplee and Marty Crawford’s nephew Brian Maughan who will be throwing in his hat for mayor.

Tom Vincent finished out the month as our teacher. We thank you Tom for your humor, knowledge and presentation of issues that make us think.

We continued the study of how Christians and non-believers deal with suffering. Some of the ideas presented were words by John Wesley – If you believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior then give me your hand and we can work together.  Another one – Today the church calls on you – but someday you will call on the Church.

We donated $100 to the youth for the Thunder game and donated over 200 new wash cloths to the Jesus House where it was very appreciated. Have a blessed week.

Always be in thanks for this Church and the fellowship of believers!

Written by: Bill and Georgann Osby