February 19, 2017

Pat Younts led our class this morning as we finished a study we began in December. We were studying The Journey, Walking the Road to Bethlehem by Adam Hamilton and the final chapter, The Manger.

The traditional Christmas story has Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem with no room for them in the inn. If Joseph was from Bethlehem, why didn’t they stay with family? Adam Hamilton’s answer is that they probably did. A traditional Jewish house would include the Kataluma or upper guest room. Because of the census, that part of the house was probably full with other relatives. Also, by Jewish custom, Mary would be unclean after the birth of her child so that’s why it’s thought they were in the stable area of the home.

God’s announcement of the birth of His Son to the shepherds and the Magi remind us that Jesus came to save us all – from the lowest to the highest.

We appreciate members from the Wedding Ring class being with us this morning. Our monthly dinner will be Tuesday, March 7 at Bravos at 6 p.m. so make plans to be there.