February 12, 2017

On a windy, cold Sunday President Joe Wine greeted 33. We happily noted that Marolyn Sauls brought Doug to class for the first time since his surgery four months ago. Doug maneuvered on a walker. It was reported that Harv and Leslie Hampton celebrate their 2nd anniversary on Valentine’s Day! Ron Howell reported that attendance at the “Old Geezer’s” Valentine Breakfast was 22. Please note: Faye Ethridge announced that the next Ladies’ Lunch Out (in her home) has been CHANGED TO FIRST MONDAY, OR March 6th.The class received a note from Bernice Hestwood’s son, Art, thanking us for our loving memories of his mother who died last month.

Medical reports: Bill Morris returned to class following surgery. Pat Duncan’s son, Keith, was readmitted to a hospital. Tom Galloway is now out of isolation. Prayers for all ailing class members and their families and care givers are appreciated.

Tom Miller led discussion from Rev. John Ortberg’s DVD, “The Me I Want To Be.” Ortberg stated that renewal of a mind is similar to restoration of an antique auto or old piece of furniture. Plenty of loving care is required. First, ask, who are you? Each person’s thought patterns are unique to him/her, alone. Ortberg believes that a mind controlled by a sinful spirit reflects a dead spirit. Grace brings energy and more pleasant thoughts. He further believes that those who live by the Holy Spirit have a mind set to receive and handle difficulties as life changes occur. The mind’s use sets a pattern for our neurons to respond. We can make our outlook more positive by concentrating deliberately on the positive and by surrounding ourselves with positive persons (if possible) to learn to react with a positive outlook. Surrender to the Holy Spirit.

He quoted several letters from Paul. He particularly noted Romans 12:2: “Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete renewal of mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God.”