February 12, 2017

Unity Class was opened in scripture and prayer by President Susan Hollingsworth. Tom Vincent continued to lead the class this month on the topic of “Why is so much bad stuff happening and what can we do about it?”

Tom read the story from Billy Graham from a relative whose nephew had moved in with his girlfriend. When confronted about his decision the nephew responded nobody cared about that kind of stuff anymore. The most important thing was just to “Be Happy.”

Tom then introduced the topic of trolling and online bullying. John Newton had addressed the role of Christians in society. He said that “Christians bypass the major sins” – but our small faults/sins lead to negative influence on others. Newton said that our worst offenses are those we see the least. We need friends to help us with our faults and be willing to accept correction. Thanks, Tom.

Everyone have a wonderful Valentine’s Day full of God given Joy.