February 2, 2017

I once asked a musician if there is such thing as a truly original piece of music. I suppose the interpretation of “original” is largely subjective in the context of any creative endeavor, but I found his response interesting, relatable, and universal. He explained that while there is a finite number of existing notes, patterns, instruments, techniques (and so on) in music, there are an infinite number of ways to combine these notes, inflections, et cetera, into a piece of music we haven’t heard before, and that is the art of composing music.

I found this explanation to be striking and scalable. It reveals a truth about many things in our lives: we are given a finite number of pieces, and we get to choose how we incorporate those pieces into the way we live our lives.

To extend this metaphor further, imagine your life as a song. What notes would you use? Would the song be steady and monophonic or maybe a big, romantic tune? Maybe you’re like me and your life has many seasons, many styles of music to represent it.

God gives us challenges, lessons, people, emotions, and opportunities to write our own song—one that is unique and original in its own right. Today I challenge you to think about the “notes” that God gives you. How will you use God’s blessings in your life? What will your song say about you?

Beth Armstrong, Director of Welcoming Ministry