February 1, 2017

Colossians 1:16 says “For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible… all things were created by Him and for Him.”

I had two wonderful grandmothers, and both were followers of Jesus. One grandmother had a beautiful alto voice, and sang her way through every day. She sang hymns, but also loved folk music. When others sang, she’d add a beautiful alto line to the melody. She and her sisters provided the music for many weddings and funerals in the small town where I grew up. Memories of this grandmother bring to my mind two songs she loved, “His Eye is On the Sparrow” and “Beautiful Ohio.” When I visited her home, she loved for me to play these and other favorites on the piano and she’d sing along.

My other grandmother also liked to sing, but unfortunately, no one really cared to listen. When she sang, “Jesus Loves Me” or any other hymn, only the lyrics were recognizable. The funny thing was that Grandma didn’t realize that she was tone deaf, and she’d sing without reservation! Grandma loved Jesus and she wanted Him and everyone else to know it! I can remember her sitting on the second row of our little church, belting out the words to the hymns. They were all planted deeply in her heart, and she loved to sing of her love for Jesus, even if He was the only One who enjoyed it!

Hebrews 13:15 tells us, “So music was created by God, for God; a Sacrifice of Praise – as a gift to God.” Perhaps you have a glorious voice and sing in the choir. Maybe you can carry a tune, but your voice isn’t particularly strong or pleasant. Or maybe you’re like my grandmother who couldn’t hope to carry a tune. Regardless, God enjoys hearing your praises! He created music as a way for us to express our love for Him.

I lead Chapel time with our daycare kids every Wednesday morning, and one of our rituals is singing “Happy Birthday” to those whose birthdays fall during the week. The kids are always eager to get to come to the front of Watchorn Chapel and be honored. I love watching their faces light up as we sing to them. Can’t you just imagine the joy it must bring to God when we sing our praises to Him? God created music as a way for us to express gratitude and love! Whether it’s in the shower, a vehicle, or church, let’s all use our voices to give praise to God!

Great is the LORD! He is most worthy of praise! No one can measure his greatness. Psalm 145:3

Susan Easttom, Director of Children’s Ministries