January 24, 2017

“I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will tell of all thy wonderful deeds.” –Psalm 9:1

We usually think of gratitude as sharing a thank you to someone who has done something nice for us or being grateful for something good that has happened in our lives. However, when we only experience gratitude during the best parts of our lives, we might just be missing out on one of the most important experiences of living in gratitude…gratitude when things are hard!

In all our lives, we experience the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Have you ever considered that it would be impossible to feel joy if we were shielded from pain? For me, some of the most painful experiences of my life led me to a new relationships and a renewed faith in God. I can honestly say that I am grateful for the pain that caused these miraculous changes in my life, because without the pain, I’m not sure I would have chosen these things freely.

Gratitude is easy during our prosperous times. It is easy to see the people and experiences around us in their best possible light during our best times. Gratitude during our challenging times provides perspective and draws us closer to God. We are more capable of bearing the unbearable when we know that we are not experiencing that pain alone because God is with us. I know that no matter how difficult things may be, I can be grateful for God’s enduring love for me.

I would challenge all of us during this Year of Gratitude to seek to share our gratitude with those who bless our lives daily, but to also seek out the opportunities to experience gratitude when things are difficult. Just like joy and pain, we may find that we can experience our faith and gratitude more fully when we seek them during all the seasons of our lives.

Robyn Hilger, Executive Director, El Sistema OK