December 28, 2023

“…with God all things are possible.” – Matthew 19:26

The world changed on October 5, 1957.  The Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik into orbit. In just a few years, on April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space. The United States quickly followed with launching Alan Shephard into space. On May 5, 1961, the United States launched Freedom 7 from Cape Canaveral, Florida. The race to space had captured the world’s attention. It took years to develop the systems that would deliver satellites and these two pioneers beyond our world.

Sending people to space has become routine… almost. Today’s technology is significantly more advanced than what was used to first send people beyond the atmosphere. Now we not only send people into space, but we can now send objects in the blink of an eye.

Astronaut Barry Willmore was aboard the International Space Station (ISS). He needed a specific wrench to fix an issue, but there was only one problem, there was no such wrench on the ISS. This was a real problem. He could not just step out to the nearest hardware store, after all, the ISS orbits 250 miles above the earth. NASA went to work to find a solution. With the help of the creative people at Made In Space, NASA created a design for the wrench for a 3D printer. After the design was completed, NASA attached it to an email, and Astronaut Willmore had what he needed. The printer on the ISS created the wrench needed to fix a problem beyond our world.

For 66 years we have been sending people and objects into outer space. It has taken teams of people, countless hours of work, and the best creative minds to send rockets, people, and emails to outer space. As our technology advances there is no limit to how far we travel and what we can accomplish in space.

As we prepare to start a new year, I am reminded that a new year brings new opportunities and new possibilities to each of us.  Just as each year of the space race has given us new technologies and advancements, so too will 2024 bring new horizons to each of us. I hope you are prepared to boldly go into this new year with hope and excitement. It is my prayer that 2024 is your best year yet. Remember, God is with us and with God all things are possible.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship