December 21, 2023

About two years ago, I came across a children’s book entitled Be Kind that I purchased on a whim. It has made its way into a regular rotation of nightly reading with our girls.

In the book, the child narrator is describing ways that you can be kind to others: “You can listen to Aunt Franny’s stories (even though you have heard them 1,000 times before)” and last night this spurred a thought for me.

Oftentimes my husband, grandparents, etc. will tell me stories over and over again. Typically, I zone out and don’t focus on what they are telling me after the second or third time I’ve heard the story. I tend to get frustrated or agitated – though I know this is not the correct attitude to have, but I had never heard it referred to as an act of kindness.

Each Christmas we hear the story of Christ’s birth and how amazing it is, but how many times do we zone out and not focus on the story because we hear it each year? How often do we make lists in our head of things we need to be doing when we finish at church?

I encourage you this Christmas to posture yourself in an act of kindness toward God by giving Him your time and attention His story deserves.

Mandi Coleman, Director St. Luke’s Children Center