January 18, 2023

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” – 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

The good news of our faith is that God loves us. When we realize that depth of God’s love for us and how God cares for us, we are motivated to love and care for others.

Dr. Don Schoendorfer and his wife Laurie were on vacation in Morocco. It was 1979 and they were thrilled to see the many beautiful sites of North Africa. While touring the city of Tetouan, Don and Laurie witnessed a woman, unable to walk, drag herself across the street with only the use of her arms. People just walked by. Don knew they needed to do something to help. They looked around for a shop to buy her a wheelchair, but they were unable to do so. This moment would be the inspiration of a life of service.

It would be 10 years later when Don would put his training and expertise to use in service to others around the world.  Don Schoendorfer holds a PhD in mechanical engineering. He holds multiple patents in the biomedical field. One day, walking through his home, Don would stop and look at an antique wheelchair that he had collected. He was reminded of that moment in Morocco and how helpless he was to help. Don began to dream of helping people, around the world, receive the wheelchairs they so desperately need.

Don would go to his garage to begin designing a simple wheelchair that could be easily manufactured. Not only did he create a new chair, he began a new mission. From Don’s garage, “Free Wheelchair Mission” was born. He built 100 prototypes and left for India. Don connected with a local missionary and was able to distribute his chairs. It would be the first of many trips to distribute wheelchairs. Since 2001, Free Wheelchair Mission has distributed over 1.3 million wheelchairs to people in need.

Seeing people in need and responding to that need is love. Just as God has come to us in our deepest need, so too are we called to respond to others in their need. Love often inspires us. Love motivates us. Love is the strength through which we operate so that others will come to know God’s love for them.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship