July 26, 2016

Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act.
Proverbs 3:27

Why is it so hard to unscrew a gas cap? This was the question swirling in my mind as I stopped at the gas station, with two babies in the car…screaming…after a VERY LONG trip to Walmart, that ended with my two girls and I receiving looks from every passing shopper that, very less-than-politely indicated, they were not happy with the noise level coming from my shopping cart. Yes, I was THAT mom.

I stood by the side of my car, unsuccessfully attempting to open my gas cap. After pushing, pulling, grunting, yanking and twisting, nothing seemed to budge the cap. The noise from the back seat of the car was getting louder and louder. In the midst of my attempts to loosen the cap, I was also making every attempt to appease the crying girls in the back seat. I tried tapping on the window, singing their favorite songs, and even making fishy faces and swimming motions. Nothing was working….for my babies or my gas cap.

There seems to be a condition that mothers of young children suffer from when we are in a state of emergency…we don’t realize that others are watching us.

In the midst of my fishy faces, a man appeared next to my gas cap. He fumbled with it for a moment and it popped open. I’m sure the look on my face was somewhere between fishy and stunned. He gave a little chuckle and said, “There ya go!” and walked away.

That man was my hero that day. He was aware of the needs around him and decided to do something about it. That combination is what kindness is all about. It’s not enough to just see the needs of others. We must combine our awareness of the needs of others with actions that will make a difference. It is my prayer for all of us that God will open our eyes to the needs around us and that He will give us the courage to act. Who knows? We may save some poor mother from making a fool of herself at the gas station.

Stephanie Greenwald, Director of Worship