July 22, 2016

Dayspring is a summer camp that our high school students attend with many other United Methodist youth across Oklahoma.  The heart of the message of Dayspring is testimonies and the importance of sharing our stories. Testimonies of students are given in our worship services and in small group settings throughout the week. When they share these testimonies, others are encouraged by truly seeing God at work in their lives.

This summer, the challenge was given to really talk to someone about what was going on in your life and the students really took that to heart. There were all kinds of stories that were shared. Many of the stories were of tragedy, loss, hurt, and brokenness that students have experienced. It was difficult knowing that there was so much pain that has been experienced. It was also incredible to have a safe and helpful environment for these stories to be shared and for healing to begin.

What I was most encouraged by during the week of Dayspring was the outpouring of compassion that happened anytime I was present in a heartfelt moment of sharing of these deep hurts and dark times. As students bravely shared these difficult stories, the other students around just listened and shared love. There was no judgment or questions, just true compassion. It took courage to share something personal and painful, but it also took courage to share compassion.

This kind of compassion is needed in our world today. There are too many stories of darkness and brokenness. Our response should be to listen more and show love and compassion. This takes courage. We may be worried if we really have the ability to help in the way that is needed. It may put us in an unfamiliar situation. Or we may be one of the first ones to reach out and we don’t want to be alone. But when we pause to listen first, we’re better able to hear and respond to how God is calling us to help.  And, whenever we take that first step to respond, it usually gives others the courage to come along to help as well. God does help us through our acts of kindness and compassion so that we are able to meet the need at that moment in the way that God has called us to do.

Amy Givens, Director of Youth Ministries