October 17, 2022

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” – Galatians 6:9

Jason Kelce plays one of the toughest positions in the National Football League. He is the Center of the offensive line of the Philadelphia Eagles.  At 6’ 3” and 295 lbs, Jason is a formidable lineman who helps lead the offensive game of the Eagles. He has played eleven years in the NFL, a great career considering the average NFL career only lasts 3 years. Jason helped lead the Eagles to their first Super Bowl victory. Both Jason and his brother Travis play in the NFL. Travis plays for the Kansas City Chiefs.

Playing professional football was a dream come true for Jason Kelce. Growing up in Ohio, Jason competed in football at every level. He was a success on the gridiron. However, he received few offers to play collegiate football. He decided to walk on at the University of Cincinnati.  It did not take long for the coaches to realize his potential. Jason soon became a starter and played in 38 games as a Cincinnati Bearcat.

Jason had a successful college career. He had hopes that his dream would become a reality and he would play in the NFL. Unfortunately, just like before college, few in the NFL would consider him an actual prospect. At 6’3” and 295 lbs, Jason is considered small for an NFL lineman. Nevertheless, Jason pursued his dream. In 2011, he was drafted in the 6th round to the Philadelphia Eagles.

The road to his dream has been difficult. In an interview after his Super Bowl victory, Jason shared some of the wisdom that has helped him persevere all these years. He said that his grandfather told him that he should, “Just keep going. Just keep moving forward. No matter what obstacle comes in your way.” Jason’s grandfather gave him a quote from Calvin Coolidge that has guided him through all these years. The quote begins, “Nothing in the world can replace persistence.”

The persistence and success of Jason Kelce is a wonderful example to each of us. Often in life we experience tremendous obstacles that prevent us from achieving our dreams. However, if we will keep working, if we will continue striving to achieve our dreams, “No matter what obstacle comes in our way,” we also may see our dreams come true. Persistence is what will help us to overcome and achieve our dreams.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship