September 13, 2022

“Be still, and know that I am God.” – Psalm 46:10
Many years ago, during a time of life that was very hectic and overwhelming, I knew that my devotional life was in need of some attention. I also knew the importance of spending dedicated time with God, so I began to pray asking God to show me what needed to change in my life. The word that came to mind was “intentional.” Intentional was not what I preferred to hear! I much prefer spontaneity, and love experiencing those “God moments” that seem to come out of the blue. But if God said “intentional” I knew it was something I needed to try.
So, I set up an altar in our bedroom, placing it where I was sure to see it first thing in the morning and the last in the evening. The altar’s foundation is a simple round table that once belonged to my husband’s mother. It’s old and the wood is smooth and worn in places; the legs are a bit unstable; however, it is beautiful to me. On the altar I placed two books: Richard Foster’s “Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home” and my Bible. I also placed a wooden cross from the Holy Land that had significant meaning to me, my prayer beads that my son gave me from the Vatican and a votive candle. As I begin my intentional time with God, I light the candle to remind me that the light of Christ is present with me. On the table is also a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Let us be silent that we may hear the whisper of God.”
This framed quote is quite old, and it is a treasured gift from a member of the church I served at that time. After I light the candle, I read Emerson’s quote as I prepare to commune with God. You see, I need this reminder in my life; because I’m not really a “silent” kind of person. To be silent for some of us takes work! Over the years as I have practiced silence, it has become easier. Emerson was right: to hear the whisper of God we must learn to be silent. In a world where we live, silence is a treasured gift; it’s hard to find the space for silence. This is one way that I continue to “Live to Learn, and Learn to Live.” This intentional time with God gives me life!
I want to encourage you to set an altar in your home. Be creative in what you place on it, and then set a time each day (morning or night) to be silent, so you may learn to hear the whisper of God. You will be so glad that you have chosen to be intentional about caring for your devotional life.
– Rev. Linda Harker, Online Pastor