July 11, 2016

“…thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.” –Psalm 23:4b

The 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, GA featured the gold medal winning U.S. Women’s gymnastic team. These young ladies captured the hearts of the world with their dominant performance. They became known as the Magnificent Seven.

This team was filled with great gymnasts such as Dominique Dawes and Shannon Miller. The gymnast that captured the eyes of the world was Kerri Strug. As the team entered the last round of events they were ahead of the strong Russian team and the Gold medal was in their sights. All they had to do was to perform well and keep from any poor scores. Kerri was the last to compete. She launched a vault and landed on her feet. She was only on her feet for a brief moment and then she collapsed. She had hurt her ankle. The Russian Gymnast was up next. She did great and forced a second vault from Kerri. All Kerri had to do was land her second vault and the U.S. would take home the gold.

Kerri Strug was hurt, tired and had the weight of the world on her shoulders…and a hurt ankle. She took her place, ran towards the vault, and launched herself skyward. No one took a breath until she landed, and landed she did with a great finish that won the Magnificent Seven the Gold.

What many people remember is a wounded Kerri being carried to the winners stand by her coach, the famous Bela Karolyi. She had suffered sever damage to the ligaments in her leg which would later keep her from the individual competition.

That now famous scene is a beautiful picture of a coach and athlete. Until that competition Karolyi pushed Kerri to be the best she could be. He was hard on her to make her ready for completion, but when the time came he was there to lift her up and care for her.

The 23rd Psalm is also a beautiful reminder that life is often hard and demanding. As we journey through the day-to-day challenges we often find ourselves wounded and unable to finish, but God, the good shepherd picks us up with his staff, and through His grace carries us to that place of rest. Today, I encourage you to give thanks to God who strengthens us for life’s journey and picks us up when our own strength fails.

Rev. Keith King, Online Campus Pastor